
No matter what you do in this crazy world
They will criticize you anyway
Just follow your dreams and aspirations
You will see Jah's glory someday
I'm the target of the system
They wanna see me behind four walls
I'm the target of the people I meet
They wanna throw me under the bus
It's their right to criticize
And it's ok to pick on me
But my belief is to see Jah's light coming at me someday
I drove a taxicab with guns point at me 12 times
I cut grass and I pick tomatoes
I wash cars and I stand in front of home depot to make a living
Last year I painted my house in red, they accused me of being a communist
This year I paint it in white, they say I want to be president
To all those critics, here is my message to you
I was born poor, that wasn't my fault
History will acquit me
But to die poor, history will judge me and condemn me
I face red tapes and barriers every day
But no one can break up my spirit
For I see success on my way
No matter what you do, they will criticize you somehow, somehow
Say what
No matter what you do, they will criticize you somehow, somehow
It's their right, so let them criticize
It's alright now
It's ok to criticize me now
Let them talk
Watch me now, it's ok to criticize me now
Pero ta diciendo Qbanito
Willy si naciste pobre, no fue tu culpa
Pero si mueres pobre, entonces si es culpa tuya
Life is a whole ball game, the critics will always be there for you
But if you believe in your dreams and aspirations
You will be a winner someday
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